Visiting places and doing fun activities with your pup are learning and enjoyable experiences. We rounded up some places in Ottawa where you can stay or do exercises with your dog.


Most hotels in Canada are pet-friendly, so you won’t have a hard time looking for a place to stay. The Westin Hotel in Ottawa provides a bed, bowl, and special mat for your dog when you check-in. It also holds events for rescue dogs to be adopted. Also, hotel guests can take the foster dogs for a walk.


You can take a walk, ride a bike, or rollerskate with your dog along the numerous pathways that stretch through cities and countryside areas.  Some of the places you can visit are the Ottawa River, the Rideau River, and the Rideau Canal. You can take a break in the beaches or other rest areas. Just make sure that you see signs that dogs are allowed.

Gatineau Park

This park in Quebec is only a 10-minute trip from downtown Ottawa. It is an outdoor park that you and your dog can visit at any time of the year. There are a lot of forests, trails, and lakes that you and your dog will enjoy. Just take note of the areas where dogs are not allowed.

Special Events and Festivals

Many pet-friendly events and festivals are held in Ottawa all year round. The Sound and Lights Show and Canadian Tulip Festival are some of the famous celebrations here.

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